Thursday, September 1, 2016

Securing Africa’s rise through agricultural transformation

By Bob Aston
The 2016 African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) kicks off in the United Nation Complex, Nairobi, Kenya on September 5-9, 2016. The landmark forum themed: ‘Seize the Moment: Securing Africa’s Rise through Agricultural Transformation’ aims to advance the policies and secure the investments that will ensure a better life for millions of Africa’s farmers and families.
This would help fulfill the head of states commitments outlined in the National Agricultural and Food Security Investment Plans (NAFSIPs), African Union’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Smallholder farmers being trained on best agricultural practices
About 1500 leaders including African Heads of State and Government, Ministers, policy makers, farmers, private agribusiness firms, financial institutions, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society, scientists, and other stakeholders will attend the forum.
Africans have relied on agriculture for food, jobs, and economic growth for decades. However, despite the role and potential of African agriculture, transformative change remains out of reach for millions on the continent.
This year’s forum provides agriculture stakeholders with an opportunity to highlight the best elements of Africa’s agriculture, the changes that are allowing farming families to lift themselves out of poverty by embracing agribusiness.
AGRF has emerged as Africa’s leading platform that brings together a range of critical stakeholders in the agriculture landscape to discuss and develop concrete plans for achieving the green revolution in Africa.
According to Dr. Agnes Kalibata, President, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), the event marks a milestone moment over AGRA’s 10-year history, which has seen the achievement of tangible transformation at national levels and within the private and public sectors.
Conceptualized with a “less is more” format, the forum will promote optimal B2B engagement, big idea plenaries, interactive workshops, and empirical knowledge sharing.
There will be five thematic group discussions on finance; Inputs; trade; markets and the domestic private sector; agricultural infrastructure; technology and mechanization; and capacity development and women and youth in agriculture.
In addition, the forum will mark the inaugural launch of “The Africa Food Award.” The Award recognizes an outstanding individual or institution that is leading the effort to change the reality of farming in Africa-from a struggle to survive to a business that thrives.
Banking on agriculture for Africa’s future would help secure investments in agriculture thus ensuring a better life for millions of Africa’s farmers and families.

Follow the hashtag #AGRF2016 on Twitter and Facebook for live updates on the 2016 African Green Revolution Forum. Let us seize this unique moment to secure Africa’s rise through agricultural transformation.

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